Citlally Miranda was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
From early age initiates artistic education and participate with the artists comunity of visual and plastic art, theater, dance, and others art curses programs, imparted by Bellas Artes Institution, and “La Secretaria de Estado de Educacion y Cultura”, which were great art base to her artistic career development .
As a young artist was a winner of several national, institutional and international awards .
She made superior studies in the careers of Tourism Services and Interior Design at the Catholic University of Santo Domingo.
Her development as Fine Artist has been lead by recognized Artists in the Dominican art of different tendencies such as: Nidia Serra, Frank Almanzar, Primitivo Brito, Felix Berroa, Miguel Núñez, Maria Aybar, among others; who have transferred their knowledge and skills to her and allowing her to have wide notion of techniques and contribute to develop her own style and esthetic concept.
Also took courses of handling materials and practice of techniques as: Ceramic, Design and Graphic art Methods,Textile and Serigraphy, Engraving, Metals Repoussé; Art and Crafs Projects, Art Jewelry and others .
She is an investigator of Art history, Art techniques, and sources of material for the artistic plastic accomplishment.
Member of the school of plastic artists (CODAP).
Individual Exhibitions:
2005 Citlally Miranda "Painting and Drawings", Gallery of Motif Art, deprived collections of foreign visitors and local, propietary residents of complexes of villas and hotels.
2006 "Images of Unconscious" the Drawings and Painting, Museum of the house of Toasting, Colonial Zone, Santo Domingo, DR.
Collective Exhibitions:
2006 "Ambito Visual" Made in 9na Fair the International of Libro. Museum of “El Hombre
Dominicano”. Santo Domingo DR
2006 "Artist in Two ways" Writers who paint, and Painters who Write. Museum of the Dominican Man. Santo Domingo,D R.
2006 Junta Agro Empresarial Dominicana, "Land and Nature", Santo Domingo. DR.
2006 Artists of the CODAP, "Day of the Artist". Santo Domingo, DR.
2007 Mutual Art exposition "Medium", at the Art Room Ramon Oviedo, Secretaria de Cultura.
Santo Domingo. DR.
2007 " Synesthesy " Execution and performance with the Sound Project DUAL+, Art Room
Ramón Oviedo, Secretaria de Cultura, Santo Domingo. DR.
2007 "Binary Mode", Execution and performance with the Sound Project DUAL+ @ the Café
Bohemio, X Feria Internacional del Libro, Santo Domingo, DR.
2007 XXIV National Biennal, Sound Performance, Modern Art Museum
2007 Salón del Dibujo. Modern Art Museum
2007 1rst mention Casa de Teatro art Contest.
2007 ICAFAIR, SOHO New York, USA.
2008 13 Dishes, performance